Crispy Thai Fried Eggplant

Although eggplant parmesan gets a lot of the attention when it comes to fried eggplant dishes, this version using thai eggplants is sure to broaden your horizons.  Crispy, crunchy and filled with flavors of ginger, sesame and a touch of spice, it’s a perfect appetizer, side or vegetarian star.  The small size is especially nice …

Kielbasa and Chicken Paella

We had some left over Kielbasa from Ukrainian Easter so I thought I’d make a recipe that incorporates it. After all there is only so much kielbasa charcuterie you can eat. I’ve always wanted to make a paella, after all at it’s root is a simple dish. Protein + Veggies + Rice = Paella. But …

Coconut Chicken and Mango Salsa

MANGO. COCONUT. SUMMER.  Do I have your attention yet?  There is nothing better than some fresh mango salsa and coconut on a warm breezy beach day….. Or maybe just when you are just dreaming of a warm beach day when it’s actually mid winter and you feel like you haven’t seen the sun in months. Today …

The Perfect Steak

I always wondered why the steaks I had at steakhouses were so amazing, but I could never recreate them at home.  My steaks never got that crispy seared outside and juicy center. So what’s the secret? Butter, a really hot pan & finishing your steak in the oven.  Now I can’t promise you’ll be making …

Cheese and Spinach Puff Pastry Pockets

Do you have a last minute get together with friends where you have to bring an appetizer or snack?  These spinach puff pastry pockets are sure to wow in taste and in ease (but, you don’t have to tell anyone that).  They are a good treat to reheat and you can prep and bake in …

Quinoa & Cauliflower ‘Mac n Cheese’

This Non-Mac ‘Mac n Cheese’ actually is the best thing since since sliced bread. And it can even be gluten-free too!  It’s cheesy and satisfying and even has veggies in it so you feel less guilty. I’ve always been a huge Mac n Cheese fan, ever since I was a kid. But as an adult, …

A Twist on Comfort Food: Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese

Looking to jazz up the regular old canned soup and classic grilled cheese with a gourmet twist?  Adding a different kind of cheese and fruit to a panini is one way to do it. Roasting your own veggies and making homemade butter croutons to garnish soup is the perfect compliment to this sweet and savory …

Instant-Pot Beef Stew

  So you got an Instant-pot . . . . Maybe it was a gift from your mother-in-law to be at your wedding shower (a hint that you need to improve your cooking skills), or you felt it was a good ‘adult’ purchase, because its a ‘multi-use’ appliance and apparently cooking is cheaper than ordering …