Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Tis the season for spice!!  I wanted to spice up my breakfast literally and figuratively, in a healthy way. The ingredients has a healthy balance of fiber, protein and fat to start the day off on the right foot. Plus I usually have oatmeal in the morning, I can’t start my day without it. And …

Banana Oatmeal Breakfast bars

These breakfast bars are gluten free, filling and healthy! I usually have a bowl of oatmeal in the morning with some sliced banana. For some reason not having oatmeal doesn’t keep me as full through the day. So I wanted to make a “mobile” version for those days when I’m on the go and can’t …

4 Ingredient No-Bake Protein Bar

Love protein bars, but hate the options in the store, or can’t find exactly what you want?  We’ve got you covered.  Mix and match your desired nut butter and protein flavors with a rolled oat base to get the perfect combination.  I prefer vanilla protein and peanut butter, but feel free to mix it up …

Easy Easter Oatmeal Cookies

I love the chewy satisfying flavor of oatmeal cookies, and wanted to make something festive for spring and Easter.  While shopping at my local target I came across a delicious looking spring trail mix with nuts, dried fruit, chocolate & butterscotch chips and adorable pastel candy coated chocolate pieces.  I was inspired and knew it …

3 Ingredient Oatmeal Cookies

I was looking for a recipe to jazz up my boring morning oatmeal when I came across this recipe that only called for banana, oatmeal and chocolate chips. What could be easier! Although I did cheat and add in some raisins on my second attempt so technically there is 4 ingredients. But I argue that …

Raspberry Oatmeal Walnut Mini-Pies

I love oats and oatmeal, they are always satisfying and create great moist chewy cookies.Taking inspiration from some old cookbooks while I was visiting my mom I devised this spin on oatmeal cookies.  I figured if oatmeal cookies, especially oatmeal thumbprint cookies with jelly, why wouldn’t oatmeal mini-pies be even better! Also, adding in some …