Defrost puff pastry by leaving it to warm for 30 mins. Meanwhile combine sugar and salt into a small bowl. And Preheat oven to 450 degrees fahrenheit
Sprinkle ½ cup of sugar mixture onto a sheet on parchment paper. Unroll the puff pastry sheet onto the sugar mixture covered parchment paper. Evenly sprinkle ¼ cup sugar mixture onto the top of the puff pastry. Sprinkle some cinnamon on top to taste. At this point there should be sugar on both sides of the puff pastry. Using a rolling pin, roll the puff pastry so that the sugar presses into the dough and is about 13x13.
Roll both the left and right sides of the puff pastry towards the center, the rolls from each side will meet in the center. With a knife, slice dough into ¼ inch rolls.
Place the rolls on a baking sheet lined with Parchment Paper. Sprinkle remaining sugar mixture on the top of the rolls.
Bake until golden brown and sugar is caramelized, about 15 mins