Heat a grill or grill pan and lightly grease if necessary. Open and pat dry chicken breast & season with salt & pepper
Place chicken on grill pan and cook fully - approximately 6 to 8 minutes per side. You should have some nice grill marks! Once cooked remove chicken from pan and let rest a few minutes.
While chicken is resting plug in waffle iron to let it heat up and begin the cornbread batter
Mix all of the cornbread ingredients together and set aside. (My box of cornbread mix served 6 and called for ½ cup of milk, 2 tablespoons of butter and 1 egg. )
Once the chicken has rested use a fork and knife to pull it apart in small strips. Do this with all of the chicken breasts. Once all of the chicken has been pulled place in a bowl, mix in the cup of barbeque sauce and set aside.
Your waffle iron should now be hot. Place roughly 1 cup of batter in waffle maker or until the batter just covers the base of the iron.
Close the iron and let the cornbread cook until the indicator light for ‘done’ flashes on your iron. Remove the waffle from the iron carefully using a fork. Repeat this process for the remaining batter. My mix made two full size waffles (4 sections each).
Once waffles are complete you’re ready for assembly! Using two sections of waffle place a portion of pulled chicken inbetween. They’re great garnished with some tasty gherkins!