Follow directions on graham cracker box1 - 8x8 inch square pan or 8 or 9 inch round springform
Or 18/24 individual mini graham cracker crustsdepending on how full you fill them
2 8ozContainers cream cheese
1 16ozContainer sour cream
Pre-Heat oven to 375 degrees
Begin by making cheesecake filling: Put both containers of cream cheese into a mixing bowl and beat it until smooth. Add sugar a little at a time beating it well. Add eggs one at a time making sure they are combined. Add vanilla and mix well into mixture
Make crust, or prepare mini-crusts to be filled.
If making a full cake pour all of batter into crust. If using mini-crusts fill each one 3/4 of the way full ensuring that there is space left for the topping
Bake a full cheesecake for 20 minutes at 375, or until center is just about set. Bake mini-cheesecakes for 10 minutes at 375 or until center is just about set.
While cheesecake is baking, prepare the topping: Combine 1/2 cup sugar, sour cream and vanilla in a bowl and mix well to combine
Remove cheesecake or mini-cheesecakes from the oven and allow to cool and settle, the will have puffed up while they were baking
Once the cheesecake or mini-cheesecakes have cooled and settled pour the topping over the cheesecake(s). Place the cheesecake back in the oven for 10 minutes at 375 degrees or if making mini-cheesecakes return to the oven for 5 minutes
Remove from the oven and allow to cool. The topping should just be set, not browned.