Standing Snowglobe Cookies

I wanted to cap by 2021 Royal Icing Cookie journey with these standing snowglobe cookies. The WOW factor for these cookies is that they stand up! I made a regular decorated cookie then propped the design up with a triangle piece of cookie to keep it upright like a real snowglobe. Consistencies and colors: Flood …

Hot Chocolate Cookies

There is nothing better than curling up with some hot chocolate on a cold day and watch some Christmas movies on TV. There is something so warm and cozy about it all.  These cookies have all the warm and cozy feels in cookie form. Light and chewy chocolate cookies with fluffy light marshmallows topped with …

Easter Bunny’s “Carrot” Garden

Jesus turned water into wine and I’m turning Strawberries into Carrots. Well, sort of. For Easter I wanted to make something simple, easy, and fun. This is one of those posts where its not the recipe that is complicated but rather how you present it. Sure anybody can make pudding. But its how you transform …